What Is Process Improvement? Definition & Examples

Many organizations use Capability Maturity Models® (CMMs®) to assess development and maintenance processes, implement improvements, and measure progress. Although consistent in purpose, these models differ in terminology and design–enough sometimes to cause what is software process improvement conflict and confusion when used within the same organization. A brief comparison of these process improvement systems is provided in Table 1.3. Such a comparison is a bit awkward, like comparing apples and oranges, but apples and oranges are both fruit.

definition of software process improvement

In the digital age, where every company is a technology company, successful business outcomes depend on successful software project outcomes. A well-designed, flexible software process improvement plan is critical to getting the right technology, people, and practices in sync and delivering at the highest level. Organizational change forms the basis of any process improvement initiative. Consequently alongside the normal project challenges of designing and deploying a new product, in this case new processes, there is the added human dimension of changing existing work practices. The sum of these two factors means that to ensure success the process improvement project must be run using the most rigorous of project management procedures.

ISO 9000-3 Software Development Guidance Standard

Now’s the time, McConnell says, for the industry to take notice and take action–and establish a true profession of software engineering. This is the last in a four-book series comprising a critical review of the Unified Process that includes a survey of the alternate software processes and the synthesis of a more robust process. The Transition and Production phases are the final phases of the Unified Process that provide for the deployment, operation and support of the system among the user groups. Learn how to transform XP theory into concrete Java® development techniques! In a highly volatile software development environment, developers must be nimble, responsive, and able to hit a moving target–in short, they must be agile. Agile software development is designed to address this need for speed and flexibility.

The reason is that they perceive them as being oriented towards large organizations. The studies have shown that small firms’ negative perceptions of process model standards are primarily driven by negative views of cost, documentation and bureaucracy. In this paper, we present a brief description about the software process improvement as well as a review on the current software process improvement methodologies for small and medium enterprises.

Examples of Software Process Improvement in a sentence

SPI start-up meeting is often held together with the assessment feedback session. At least the company management and the assessed team participate in the meeting scheduled normally to take two hours. Key output is a SPI plan where at least one short-term target is set for the improvements.

definition of software process improvement

Process sits at the center of a triangle connecting three factors that have a profound influence on software quality and organizational performance. The skill and motivation of people has been shown to be the single most influential factor in quality and performance. The complexity of the product can have a substantial impact on quality and team performance. The technology (i.e., the software engineering methods) that populate the process also has an impact. The scope of a software process assessment can cover all the processes in the organization, a selected subset of the software processes, or a specific project.

What are the Demotivators for SPI?

These levels are further used in the prioritization of improvement efforts in organization. A Software Engineering Process Group is an organization’s focal point for software process improvement activities. These individuals perform assessments of organizational capability, develop plans to implement needed improvements, coordinate the implementation of those plans, and measure the effectiveness of these efforts. Successful SEPGs require specialized skills and knowledge of many areas outside traditional software engineering. SPICE by ISO and CMMI by SEI are today the best-known process models for software development.

definition of software process improvement

International process models and standards can be used in small organisations. However, application of these models requires attention in several aspects including use of resources, improvement priorities and targeted capability levels. This paper presents a framework for small organisations to be used in setting SPI priorities, conducting assessments and planning process improvement activities. The goal is to assist small software producers to rapidly start their SPI programmes. A common mistake made by companies when implementing process improvement is to allow the chosen model to dictate the process design.

ISO 9001:2000 for software

Where configuration management and development professionals go for answers on SCM, ALM, change management, DevOps, tools and more. Phadke was trained in robust design techniques by Genichi Taguchi, the mastermind behind Japanese quality manufacturing technologies and the father of Japanese quality https://www.globalcloudteam.com/ control. Taguchi’s approach is currently under consideration to be adopted as a student protocol with the US government. Software Configuration Management provides step-by-step guidance for identifying the items of a software system that are subject to change during the system life cycle.

definition of software process improvement

Like the name implies, CMMI is formed by integrating previous version of CMM. CMMI is a full process model resulting from a collection of software and system engineering capabilities that organizations show as they attain new levels of process maturity and capability . This method is most commonly used for the continuous improvement of processes and products. The four-step model works best as a project planning tool and cycles through each step in a circle, over and over again in an endless loop, so as to maintain continuous improvement. But if your business processes take a long time to complete, require more resources than planned for, or produce inconsistent results, you’re likely experiencing a process breakdown that’s making your business operations less effective.

Standardization and Process consistency

You know your business needs better than they do and at the end of the day accountability for success or failure rests with you not them. Finally, despite every effort to facilitate change, some people and/or teams may refuse to conform. In such circumstances, and as a last resort, management intervention might be the only option. The reassignment of staff can be one alternative so as to prevent the process improvement initiative from stalling.

  • Most of the small companies do not have metrics to measure and compare their progress or improvement which make it sometimes impossible to identify measure the improvements of the SPI.
  • SPICE is a major international initiative to support the evolution of an international standard for software process assessment.
  • The assessment team performs an analysis of the questionnaire responses and identifies the areas that warrant further exploration according to the CMM key process areas.
  • The representatives of the site to be appraised complete the standard process maturity questionnaire.
  • More than a dozen sources are represented, including IEEE Computer, Software Practice & Experience, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, and Communications of the ACM.

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Combining quantitative and qualitative methods (when mining software data)

The Unified Process goes beyond mere object-oriented analysis and design to spell out a proven family of techniques that supports the complete software development life cycle. The result is a component-based process that is use-case driven, architecture-centric, iterative, and incremental. Since the earliest days of the computer industry, managing a software project has been a complex and demanding activity. While the technical content of software products and the technical methods used to build them have changed over time, the fundamental issues that determine the success or failure of software projects have remained fairly constant. This book emphasizes the application aspects of software quality assurance systems by discussing how to overcome the difficulties in the implementation and operation of them.